„Element of Danger“, „Swing Till Dawn“ – experiments and sentiments

Black and white contrast is a mean of expression that I usually use. Recently, however, I decided to open myself to creative experiments using other colors, while still remaining in the limits of my favorite minimalist form.

Element of Danger“ is a copper line and white background, while „Swing Till Dawn“ is a black contour of the figure on a raw canvas.

Thematic inspiration for both paintings was my sentimental trips to Warsaw of the thirties. I spent this summer exploring the history of people and places that don’t exist any more. However, it wasn’t me who gave the titles to both paintings, but it is a completely different story…

Element of Danger, akryl na płótnie, 81x65cm, 2019
Element of Danger, acrylic on canvas, 81x65cm, 2019

Swing Till Dawn, akryl na płótnie, 80x60cm, 2019
Swing Till Dawn, acrylic on canvas, 80x60cm, 2019

„Almost Night“ artwork of the week at the Art. Krajewski Gallery

In the interior of a pre-war tenement house on 16/18 Widok Street in Warsaw, there is an Auction house and an Art Gallery – Art. Krajewski. This place works only with selected artists and gathers their best artworks.

Several of my paintings have been included in this unique collection and are currently decorating its walls. One of them, „Almost Night“, was awarded as the artwork of the week.

„Almost Night“ artwork of the week at the Art. Krajewski Gallery